The mission of NTNU (the Norwegian University of Science and Technology) is to share knowledge and create solutions to improve the world in order to improve everyday life for as many persons as possible. NTNU Health is one of NTNU's strategic research areas, their aim is to create innovative solutions to complex health challenges.

The Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG) aims to define optimal exercise programs for everyday people in order to increase the likelihood of development and preservation of good health throughout life. The group study the effect of exercise as a medicine in order to treat heart and lifestyle related diseases. The group consists of eminent scientists, technicians, medical doctors and promising research talent from all over the world. CERG is localised in the fully integrated St. Olavs University Hospital in Trondheim, Norway. In 2011, CERG achieved the prestigious honour of becoming a K.G. Jebsen Center for Medical Research. The group is headed by Professor Ulrik Wisløff.

One of the projects at CERG that has revived more attention in the media is the development of the program “GET FIT IN 7 WEEKS!”. This is a training program of 7 weeks which aims to improve the cardiovascular health, no matter what you initial fitness level is like. The program is based on a wide investigation aiming to obtain best possible results, without spending too much time. For this reason the training program is within reach for almost everyone, no matter how busy their schedule or current lifestyle is.

On behalf of the Corporate Athlete Team we invite you to try this 7 week fitness program to improve your general and cardiovascular health.

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